Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Hello there!! HAPPY NEW YEARRRRR. I know I am more than a little late-3 weeks late to be precise but better late than never right?? Okay.....I'm sorry. When I started, I promised that I would update this at least 3 days a week and I have not kept my promise to you or to myself. The thought of that has definitely really weighed me down. I sincerely apologize and I will do better.
There is something in the atmosphere this year. I felt it the minute the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2009. I have felt an excitement that I can barely contain. There is a POWERFUL energy in the spiritual atmosphere....I don't know if you feel it but I surely can. It is God's preparation for extraordinary things to come for you and I this year but only if we choose to work with Him. This will not be a year for "wimping" out, cowering or hiding. This is the year that He will yank us out of our comfort zones, throw us into the spotlight and empower us to live our dreams. Brandon Heath sings, "Don't get comfortable. I'm about to move this mountain; then, I'm gonna move you in. Yesterday, this is not yesterday......I am gonna show you what I mean/ I am gonna love like you've never seen/ You are gonna live like you used to dream...." This is the year that those dreams will become reality but WORK we must and TRUST we must and LOVE HIM we must. It will not be a song-and-dance or a piece of cake but believe me it will be the beginning of greater things to come.
This year is pregnant with a purpose for you and I. We have to follow God in ways that we never have before and seek and listen like never before. Let Him fill your dreams, hearts and every crevice of your being.
I know I am trusting Him with my dreams. Will you trust Him with yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog speaks to me on so many levels... I love this post...